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Peter Bernius

Peter Bernius

Chief Physician
University of Heidelberg


Peter Bernius studied medicine at the University of Heidelberg. In his orthopaedic and pediatric orthopaedic training, he went through various stages at the Surgical Clinic in Darmstadt, at the University Hospital Oskar-Helene-Heim in Berlin and the University Hospital in Freiburg. Since 2001 Dr Bernius works as chief physician of the Center for Pediatric and Neuro-Orthopedics of the Schön Klinik Munich Harlaching. He is an internationally recognized specialist in minimally invasive surgical procedures, early functional rehabilitation, functional orthotics, and specialized learning programs to support neuroplastic regeneration

Research Interest

Orthopedic, Pediatric Orthopedic and minimally invasive surgical procedures