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Diana Paulina Orozco Romero

Diana Paulina Orozco Romero

Anahuac University


Diana Paulina Orozco Romero is a Neonatologist from Mexico City, dedicated to improve neonatal medical care, currently working in a State of the art Medical Center at the Neonatal Unit. Working side by side with ObGyn and parents, committed to provide the highest quality of family centered care. She is also dedicated to the training of the future physicians as well as lecturer for medical updates in the pediatrics and neonatology areas at all medical levels and participate in clinical research on a variety of topics. Diana Orozco also have educational activities as a teaching attending for the medical residency program for pediatrics and neonatology program at Hospital Español. She shows much interest in bioethical topics and is currently enrolled in a master's program at the Anahuac University. She is a member of the Mexican Pediatrics Society, Mexican Pediatrics Association and the Mexican Neonatologist Federation, A.C

Research Interest

Cardiac Screening in New born, Burn out syndrome, - Training in bioethical topics in order to become a part of the bioethical committee