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A.A. Koniushevska

Donetsk National Medical University, Ukraine

Title: Clinical features of juvenile idioрathic arthritis onset and course in the conditions of environmentally unfavorable Donetsk region


Biography: A.A. Koniushevska


Juvenile idiopathic arthritis develops before the age of 16 years. It has chronic severe progressive course and, as a rule, unfavorable prognosis [Geppe et al., 2011; Cassidy et al., 2011; Petty et al., 2015; Berezhnyi et al., 2015; Alekseeva et al., 2015]. Knowledge on the issues of clinical polymorphism of the disease onset and course will permit faster and more accurate identification of this disease, to timely assign adequate therapy, which will lead to earlier stabilization and remission of the disease.

The purpose of the work was to study the clinical features of the JIA onset and course in the environmentally unfavorable Donetsk region.

Materials and methods. There were 61 children with JIA treated in the Mariupol Territorial Medical Association "Child and Woman Health".

Results. In the environmentally unfavorable Donetsk region, JIA proceeded in the severe form. Thus, two thirds of the patients had activity degrees 2-3 of the process, in one fourth of the patients radiographic stages 2-3 were revealed, in two thirds of the patients - class 2 of functional disorders. A quarter of the patients had an oligoarticular variant of the disease. Almost half of the patients had a polyarticular JIA variant, which is severe and prognostically unfavorable. More than half of the children with JIA need GEBD prescription because they have unfavorable prognostic factors of the disease, such as high activity of the process and lack of the therapy efficacy for 6 months, significant active systemic manifestations for more than 6 months, progressive course of uveitis, damaged hip joints or cervical spine, the presence of erosions and the joint space narrowing during X-ray examination.