Call for Abstract

19th World Congress on Clinical Pediatrics, will be organized around the theme ““Current Evolution of Latest Theories and Therapies to Save a Child”. ”

Clinical Pediatrics 2021 is comprised of 25 tracks and 99 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Clinical Pediatrics 2021.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

A subspecialty of obstetrics related to maternal and fatal care at higher risk than normal complications. Since childbirth, it begins at 20 to 28 weeks of gestation and ends 1 to 4 weeks after birth; perinatology can reasonably be a preventative and fatal subspecialty but, in fact, is part of childbirth. A comparable area for children is neonatology. A high-risk baby can be cared for by a perinatologist before birth and a neonatologist after birth.

  • Track 1-1Fetal Anomalies
  • Track 1-2Ultrasound Fetoscopy
  • Track 1-3Pregnancy Complications
  • Track 1-4Chorionic Villus Sampling
  • Track 1-5Amniocentesis & Non-Stress Test

If your child has cancer, he or she will likely be treated by a Pediatric oncology specialist. Research and treatment of childhood cancer. Most cancers in children are different from those seen in adults. Pediatric oncology focuses on cancer in children, adolescents and adolescents. Doctors in Pediatric oncology are specially trained to care for your child and keep him or her comfortable during his or her treatment.

  • Track 2-1Sarcoma & Lymphoma
  • Track 2-2Neuroblastoma & Histolytic disorders
  • Track 2-3Hemophilia and other bleeding disorders
  • Track 2-4Aplastic anemia/bone marrow failure
  • Track 2-5Immune thrombocytopenia & Hemolytic anemia

If your baby has trouble breathing, or has trouble with his lungs, a Pediatric pulmonologist has the knowledge and qualifications to treat your baby. Pediatric pulmonologists diagnose, treat and treat children from birth to 21 years of age with respiratory and lung diseases.

  • Track 3-1Technology-dependent children
  • Track 3-2Technology-dependent children
  • Track 3-3Excessive build-up of mucus in the lungs
  • Track 3-4Fibre-optic scope

If your child has an eye problem, is having difficulty with a vision screening exam or has difficulty reading or learning, or needs surgery or medical treatment for an illness affecting the eyes, a Pediatric ophthalmologist has the experience and qualifications to treat your child. 

Pediatric dentists have been dedicated to oral health of children from childhood to adolescence. They have experience and qualifications to care for the baby's teeth, gums, and mouth at all stages of childhood. Babies begin to receive their baby's teeth during the first six months of life. By the age of 6 or 7, they begin to lose their first teeth, which are eventually replaced by second teeth, which are permanent. Without proper dental care, children face possible oral decay and diseases that can cause pain and problems throughout your life. Today, childhood tooth decay - an infectious disease - is 5 times more common in children than asthma and seven times as much as hay fever.


Pediatric infectious disease specialists treat a wide range of infectious and immunological diseases such as those caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and insects. Some infectious disease specialists are treated for complex or uncommon diseases, including.

  • Track 6-1Grinding
  • Track 6-2Bad Breath
  • Track 6-3Tooth Decay
  • Track 6-4Gum Disease
  • Track 6-5Canker Sores
  • Track 6-6Wisdom Teeth
  • Track 6-7Sensitive Teeth
  • Track 6-8Thumb-sucking
  • Track 6-9Orthodontic Problems
  • Track 6-10Over-Retained Primary Teeth

Pediatric Radiology informs its students of new discoveries and advances in all areas of Pediatric thinking and related fields. This is achieved by a combination of original papers, and reviews that describe the current state of information on a particular topic. Content includes technological advances, methodology, equipment and equipment being introduced, and modification of general strategies.

No parent wants to see their child suffer. Any child can develop allergies, but they are more common in children from families with a history of allergies. Since it is impossible for parents to completely control everything their child is exposed to or eating, parents should instead focus on noticing their child getting symptoms.

Early detection of a child's allergies will improve your child's quality of life, reduce the number of days he or she misses school and help you avoid spending sick or vacation time caring for your child. If your son or daughter has a problem, manage the situation and consult a veterinarian today.

Symptoms of allergies in children

Skin or chest rash (atopic dermatitis or eczema)

Difficulty breathing (asthma)

Sneezing, coughing, bending nose or itchy eyes

Stomach upset

  • Track 8-1Symptoms of allergies in children
  • Track 8-2Skin or chest rash (atopic dermatitis or eczema)
  • Track 8-3Difficulty breathing (asthma)
  • Track 8-4Sneezing, coughing, bending nose or itchy eyes
  • Track 8-5Stomach upset

Specialist care professionals treat children from birth to adolescence. They prefer to make the care of seriously ill children central to their medical practice. Their advanced training and experience prepares them to give children in PICU the unique health care they need.

  • Track 9-1Asthma
  • Track 9-2Pneumonia
  • Track 9-3Near drowning
  • Track 9-4Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)

Pediatric gastroenterologists are doctors who specialize in children’s liver, digestion, and nutritional issues. They treat children from birth through age 18. If your child is having digestion, liver, or nutrition problems, make an appointment with their paediatrician. The majority of children who see a Pediatric gastroenterologist are referred by their paediatrician.


  • Track 10-1Complications of ERCP
  • Track 10-2Liver Transplant Programs
  • Track 10-3Sphincter of Odd Dysfunction
  • Track 10-4Malignant Hilary Biliary Obstruction
  • Track 10-5Endoscopic Therapy of Pancreatic Diseases

Child abuse can occur when a child is witnessing or experiencing the worst of childhood experiences. Many childhood experiences can be frustrating. This can happen in relationships e.g. harassment, neglect, violence. This is called trauma among people. Children can also experience traumatic events. These include accidents, natural disasters, war and civil strife, medical procedures or the sudden loss of a parent / caregiver

  • Track 11-1Psychological abuse& child neglect
  • Track 11-2Adverse childhood experiences study
  • Track 11-3Disclosure and diagnosis
  • Track 11-4Prevention & treatment

Therapeutic and rehabilitative medicine (PM & R), also known as physiatrist or rehabilitation medicine, aims to improve and restore function and quality of life for those with physical or mental disabilities that affect the brain, spinal cord, nerves, bones, joints, muscles, tendons, and muscles. Physical therapy and rehabilitation is a medical specialty that helps people regain the bodily functions they have lost due to medical conditions or injuries. The term is often used to describe the entire medical community, not just doctors.


  • Track 12-1Cerebral palsy & Spinal Bifida
  • Track 12-2Neuromuscular disorders & acquired brain injuries
  • Track 12-3Limb deficiencies & gait abnormalities
  • Track 12-4Musculoskeletal conditions
  • Track 12-5Brachial plexus palsy

Social paediatrics is a child health approach that focuses on the child, the illness and the health, within their community, environment, school, and family. The glossary clarifies the range of terms used to describe aspects of the practice of children who are isolated or undergoing medical treatment and define key social concepts for children. The glossary was compiled through a consultative process and a consensus was reached between authors who are members of the European Society for Social Paediatrics. Child welfare doctors from outside Europe are included to provide a national perspective.


Neonatology is a subspecialty of paediatrics that contains medical care for new-born infants, especially new-borns who are sick or unborn. It is a specialty in hospital, and is usually done in neonatal care units (NICUs). Neonatology is a specialty that changes rapidly, and it is important that doctors stay up to date in the field.


  • Track 14-1Fetal Anomalies
  • Track 14-2Ultrasound Fetoscopy
  • Track 14-3Pregnancy Complications
  • Track 14-4Chorionic Villus Sampling
  • Track 14-5Amniocentesis & Non-Stress Test

Primary health care for children includes health care and expected care; monitor physical and mental growth and development; age appropriate assessment; diagnosis and treatment of serious and chronic diseases; the management of serious and life-threatening diseases and, where appropriate, the transmission of more complex conditions; and the provision of first-line communication care and systematic management of health problems that require multiple professional services. Primary and primary health care for children and youth is family-oriented and includes community resources and strengths, needs and risk factors, as well as social sensitivity to care delivery strategies and clinical practice. Primary Pediatric health care is best delivered within the context of a "medical home," where complete, continuous and affordable care is available and delivered or supervised by trained Pediatric health professionals.


If your child needs surgical or complex medical treatment for illnesses or problems affecting the ear, nose, or throat, a Pediatric otolaryngologist has the experience and qualifications to treat your child. Many general otolaryngologists provide surgical care for children. However, in many areas of the country, more specialized otolaryngology care is available for children. 

  • Track 16-1Adenoidectomy
  • Track 16-2Caustic ingestion
  • Track 16-3Cricotracheal resection
  • Track 16-4Dec annulation
  • Track 16-5Laryngomalacia
  • Track 16-6Laryngotracheal reconstruction
  • Track 16-7Myringotomy and tubes
  • Track 16-8Childhood Sleep disorders - Alpena
  • Track 16-9Tonsillectomy

Although some of the diseases seen in Pediatric medicine are similar to those in adults, there are many cases that are seen only in children. Special attention should be given to the dynamics of the developing body, from premature babies to adolescents, as the organs follow growth patterns and stages. This requires special consideration and treatment at the Children's Hospital, which has all the necessary equipment for treating children and their specific illnesses.

  • Track 17-1Unusual presentations of a disease
  • Track 17-2Unique or rare features of a disease
  • Track 17-3Therapeutic approach in childhood
  • Track 17-4Latest variations in disease processes
  • Track 17-5Management of new and emerging diseases
  • Track 17-6Pathogenesis of a disease or an adverse effect
  • Track 17-7Unusual side effects or adverse interactions with medications

The gynaecologist and youth physician is a professional physician who continues to undergo correction after completing his first Obstetrics and Gynaecology training. In particular, the Pediatric and Adolescent Gynaecologist cares for children, adolescents and young women who have a problem with gynaecological surgery. These gynaecologic concerns may range from ovarian cysts in neonate to puberty problems or difficulties from time to time. It is possible to care both medical and surgical problems affecting the reproductive organs in children, adolescents and adolescents.

  • Track 18-1Complications of ERCP
  • Track 18-2Liver Transplant Programs
  • Track 18-3Sphincter of Odd Dysfunction
  • Track 18-4Malignant Hilary Biliary Obstruction
  • Track 18-5Endoscopic Therapy of Pancreatic Diseases

If your child has problems with growing up, puberty, diabetes, or other hormonal and glandular problems, an endocrinologist can treat your child. Chemical hormones affect how other organs work. For example, hormones determine how a baby grows and develops. Endocrine glands, such as the pituitary gland, release hormones into the bloodstream. Endocrinology is the science that studies these glands and the effects of hormones. The problems experienced by Pediatric endocrinologists are often very different from those commonly seen by endocrinologists wharf for adults. Special training in children's situations as they relate to growth and development is essential. Hormonal problems often last a lifetime. Endocrinologists are dealing with hormonal disorders at all stages of childhood and adolescence.

A Pediatric emergency doctor is an expert in caring for children and young people who are seriously ill or injured. A Pediatric emergency doctor is trained to care for a variety of problems that require immediate medical attention. These problems are often serious and can be life threatening.

  • Track 20-1Asthma
  • Track 20-2Pneumonia
  • Track 20-3Near drowning
  • Track 20-4Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)

Child or child obesity is a growing global epidemic that needs to be addressed due to the burden placed on the child and adult health care system (1). Consumption of fatty foods and high-sugar foods, as well as smoking, and no exercise is appropriate as the main causes of obesity among children and adults. Childhood obesity affects all organs in the body and there is an increase in the number of young children with diabetes. Childhood obesity is linked to an increased risk of various diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and certain types of cancer later in life, social problems and depression among adolescents. (2). People with a BMI of 85-95% are classified as obese and those with a 95% BMI are classified as obese. Growth charts can be used to monitor growth over time. These charts are divided by percentile curves to indicate the distribution of body measurements. Growth charts are provided by Centres for Disease Control and Prevention and can be used for obesity.

Pediatric dermatologists specialize in the diagnosis and management of pediatric skin diseases, including the proper administration of pediatric medications. If your pediatrician recommends that your child see a dermatologist, you can be sure that your child will receive the best possible medical care.

  • Track 22-1Genodermatosis
  • Track 22-2Neonatal dermatomes
  • Track 22-3Neurocutaneous disorders
  • Track 22-4Congenital malformations of skin
  • Track 22-5Dermatomes: Metabolic, nutritional
  • Track 22-6Childhood Infections: Viral, bacterial, fungal
  • Track 22-7Other miscellaneous conditions

Pediatric nephrologists diagnose, treat, and manage many disorders affecting the kidney and urinary tract, including kidney failure, high blood pressure, inherited kidney diseases, kidney stones, urinary tract infections, and abnormalities in the urine such as blood and protein. A Pediatric urologist  is a doctor who specializes in treating children who have urinary or genital conditions. Also they can treat problems that develop in an infant’s, child’s, or adolescent’s urinary system (the part of the body that helps you flush toxins and waste from the body by peeing), including the kidneysbladder, urethra (tube that lets pee out of your body), and the genital tract (reproductive organs inside and outside the body).

  • Track 23-1Hernia
  • Track 23-2Spinal Bifida
  • Track 23-3Hypospadias
  • Track 23-4Hydronephrosis
  • Track 23-5Nocturnal Enuresis
  • Track 23-6Neurogenic Bladder
  • Track 23-7Undescended Testes
  • Track 23-8Vesicoureteral Reflux
  • Track 23-9Antenatal Hydronephrosis
  • Track 23-10Ureter pelvic Junction Obstruction

Pediatricians should recommend exclusive/full breastfeeding as superior to formula feeding through the first 6 postnatal months and the subsequent timely introduction of adequate, safe, and appropriate complementary foods in combination with continued breastfeeding as optimal nutrition in the first postnatal year.

Pediatric Surgery is a subspecialist in pediatrics focusing on the management of infant, child and adolescent surgery. Our services include treatment for birth defects, abnormalities in children from trauma and trauma cases and more. At Medical over Hospitals, we are supported by a team of new-born and pediatric surgeons with extensive experience in providing comprehensive and comprehensive care from infants to adolescents.

  • Track 25-1Early approaches to heart malformations
  • Track 25-2Lung volume reduction surgery
  • Track 25-3Modern beating-heart surgery
  • Track 25-4Minimally invasive surgery
  • Track 25-5Risks of cardiac surgery